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Heat Related Illnesses

Summer is coming! Are you ready to deal with the heat? That depends on where you live and your climate zone.  For those of us who are seeking a more self sufficient lifestyle, who are preparing for a potential breakdown of power sources and infrastructure, or who are just trying to emulate the lifestyles of those who lived in the past without the convenience of electricity and air conditioners, we need to be prepared to deal with the hot weather.

Let’s look at the reality of becoming overheated when the temperatures and humidity are high.  Heat exhaustion and Heat stroke are serious conditions that can easily overtake you when it is too hot outside or inside. Preppers, Homesteaders, Reenactors and those who work or spend a lot of time outside in the summer take their craft very seriously, but their activities put them at risk for these heat related illnesses during the summer.

Keep an eye on the daily heat index so you are aware when the heat and humidity becomes unsafe.

Heat Exhaustion and Heat Stroke

When the heat and humidity rises, everyone has a greater chance of the negative effects of the weather.  You see, when the humidity gets above 60%, your body’s ability to perspire and cool itself down is affected.  When you cannot cool yourself down, your core temperature rises.  Then you are at risk of either Heat Exhaustion or Heat Stroke. 


Both are considered heat related illnesses result from a high body core temperature.  Heat Exhaustion is less severe and does not do permanent damage, but Heat Stroke  can disable or kill you!


Here are the symptoms of both conditions:

Heat Exhaustion


Rapid pulse


Profuse sweating

Muscle cramps


Nausea and Vomiting


Temperature up to 105 degrees F


Heat Stroke

Sweating absent

Core temperature >106 degrees F


Organ Failure


IF you or someone else has these symptoms the most important thing do to is to cool them down.  Reduce their core body temperature.  How will you do that?

Remove them from the heat source, whether the sun or a hot room.

Remove heat retaining clothing.

Wet them down with cold water or ice if available.

Get them to raise their legs above their heart.

Fan them or get them in a place where they can be cool enough to sweat, and fan or ventilate them some more.

Put cold compresses in the neck, groin and/or armpit area.  Those are areas where major blood vessels pass, and the blood can be cooled that way.


 So, now that you have some knowledge about Heat Related Illnesses, what can you do to prevent Heat Exhaustion and Heat Stroke?

  1. Hydrate Hydrate Hydrate!

  2. Avoid working in the heat of the day.

  3. Use a cooling cloth or a portable, rechargeable neck fan while working and wear a hat to avoid the sun.

  4. Wear clothing appropriate for the hot weather. I don't mean that you should strip down to just a bathing suit, but that your clothing be lightweight and breathable for the task. The Bedouins in the desert don't wear layer of lightweight fabric for nothing.

  5. Wet down your clothing or dip in the water if the temperatures start to soar. Keep your core temperature down!

  6. Pay attention to your body. If you are starting to get cramping, fatigue, confusion, nausea and headaches, and profuse sweating, then STOP what you are doing and take all measures to cool down!!!

Summer is going to be wonderful, but you have to stay safe out there! Have Fun Prepping!


PS. This summer might be a scorcher. It is already VERY hot in TEXAS and up the center of the country.

PPS. I'm an Amazon Affiliate, and there are two links for some very useful items. You are under NO obligation to purchase anything through the links, but I get a tiny financial benefit if you do.

PPPS. Credit where credit is due! Thanks Dr. Joe Alton and Nurse Amy Alton and your fabulous website Thank you for the information you generously provide to the prepping community.

PPPPS. We have the best Facebook Group!!!!


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