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Preparing for the Eclipse

Updated: Apr 2

The Eclipse is all the news! And well it should be, since it crosses the United States. Not only that, most of the country will experience some darkness on the afternoon of April 8. My location will have the sun darkened by 91% and the peak will be right at the end of the school day, with students walking home in the dark! Some of us are hoping for an early dismissal day. What I last heard was that a large number of eclipse glasses have been purchased for the students of that region. We will see!

I only want to give you a bare bones guide to preparing for the eclipse. While there are some who believe that some terrible event may occur during the eclipse - anything from an EMP to an attack or an Earthquake or a solar ejection which causes a Carrington event - it is likely that it will be a reasonably peace experience, and a wondrous astronomical event.

In the Path of the Total Eclipse

There will be thousands of people driving through your area, and they will descend upon your location or near where you live the weekend before, and will take every available hotel and motel space. These visitors will make food and drink purchases, potentially emptying grocery stores of snack foods, drinks, bread, lunchmeat and cheese, fruits and frozen meals that are easily prepared in the hotel microwave. They will purchase all the gasoline they need, drying up supplies until more can be brought in after the eclipse.

If you are in the path of the total eclipse, you should prepare accordingly a few days before that weekend. If you are a prepper, you probably have your food and water supplies in place , and you will need to make sure you have the fuel and medicines you need before Monday, April 8. Life locally will be disrupted, roads and streets will be clogged, and it will be hard to get around on that day. Many schools will be closed for this reason as well.

Here is your checklist:

Reschedule any appointments you have made for the time period from April 6 - 8.

Get your prescriptions filled so you don't run out during the eclipse weekend and day.

Make sure you have at very least three days of food and water. Some counties are recommending 2 weeks of food and water!

Get eclipse glasses, or prepare to watch the eclipse indirectly through a pinhole in a piece of cardboard . Please teach your children and even your friends about eye safety during an eclipse. Blindness is a serious consequence for look at an eclipse with the naked eye.

Make sure you have flashlights, candles, and batteries in case of power outages. There will be extra pressure on the local grids with the additional visitors. There is a slight possibility that solar energy will be affected by the lack of light on April 8.

Fill your gas tank before the hoards come to your location, and limit driving during the eclipse weekend and day. It would be good to have an extra gas can filled in case you need it.

Check to see if schools are in session during the event, and make plans for them.

Check your security measures around your house in case some want to take advantage of the darkness to cause mischief.

In the Band of the Partial Eclipse

You will not be as pressed for food and fuel as those in the band of the total Eclipse. There are, however, preparations that you should put in place.

It is wise at any time to have a reserve of food and water, even for small emergencies. I recommend at very least 3 days, to a week, but, as a prepper, I think more would be better.

Have flashlights and candles available. An overburdened grid in the total eclipse band could affect yours.

Get the  eclipse glasses if your area has not made arrangements for the residents of your county. Teach the children and those who don't know how to look at the eclipse safely.

The eclipse will occur during or right after the school day. Check to see what your school district's plans are concerning early dismissal. Many students will be walking home in the dark during the peak of the eclipse!!!!

A Short Conclusion and Helpful Links

Not sure if your city or area is going to be affected by a partial eclipse? Check here. You can put in your location and get details about the eclipse event.

I hope you will have a wonderful and safe experience as you view the eclipse. I like the verse in the Psalms that says "The heavens declare the glory of God". There are plenty of things in the skies that give us wonder!!

Be safe and Have Fun Prepping!!!!


PS. I don't think too much weird will happen during the Eclipse, but we will be alert and ready.

PPS. I am an Amazon affiliate, and there will be links in my posts. You are never obligated to purchase anything, but I do get a small commission if you do. Thanks in advance.

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