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So many new preppers!!

Hello, Friends!

You may have noticed that our Prepping group has exploded in size, with more than 40,000 members. Among those are so many new preppers. Here are some links and sites that will be useful for those of you who are just learning how to be prep.

The first site is the good old FEMA site. On this site, you will find excellent advice for how to start your initial preps. In the group we recommend planning your preps in 3s - Three days, Three weeks, Three months, and so forth. FEMA will help you with your first three day plan.

Jim Cobb, author and one of our group experts, has a very useful website Real World Prepping. The blog is invaluable as a source of reviews and information.

A sister prepping group, Learning to Homestead, will also be a good source of information.

Tami's Prepper Links is a must visit group for your continuing prepper education.

Another author in our group, Raymond Mohr, offers a lot of great information for you, as well.

In our group, we have a long list of informational files, too. Look those over and find what you need.

As always in our Prepping group - Share what you know. Ask for what you need to know. Avoid divisive topics. Be kind and respectful to each other. Build Community and Have Fun Prepping.

Kind regards from your Admin,

Ruth Seiler

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