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The Big Slide

In Germany, New Years Eve celebrations include the statement " Einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr!" This literally means you wish someone a good slide into the New Year. Kind of like where we are now.

Many Preppers are seeing various situations nationally and worldwide that make it seem as if we are starting to slide into a situation that could end up where the crap literally hits the fan. Preppers in the United States are acutely aware of the political divisions and the apparent weaknesses in the nation. The presidential election is the nexus point that ends what will probably be a miserable and combative election cycle. And there is potential for the nation to be further divided no matter who wins the election.

Global conflicts spur many to believe that another World War is on the horizon. The potential for a digital currency causes worry about personal assets as well as the concern that every monetary transaction will be tracked. The barter economy is not well developed in the US, and should there be a currency collapse, people would not know how to conduct business and transactions.

And there is much more that could be said about supply issues, fuel, and food prices. I could go on but I don't want this to be a bleak post. Not anymore than it has to be.

However, this year, with all of it's uncertainty, being prepared will help us to have peace and confidence. What can you do to prepare? So many things come to mind! Here is a basic list for beginning preppers (and some experienced ones who have gaps in their skills):

Start a garden wherever you are. Now is the time to plan for it! Urban gardeners will benefit from container gardens on balconies or small courtyards. Participate in a community garden if there is one near you, or start a community garden. Choose easy plants to grow. Potatoes, tomatoes, radishes, greens, herbs.

Rural and Suburban gardens can be expanded. You can landscape with edible and medicinal plants. Plant a fruit tree instead of a decorative tree...two of the same variety for pollination!

Plant edibles in your front yard. Some rural homes can have a cottage garden near the front door.

Find a way to grow greens and other plants indoors. There are so many systems available for indoor planters. Grow lights are inexpensive and give full spectrum light for the plants. Gardening is a skill that takes time and years to refine. And it is preposterous to think that you can take a package of stored seeds, dig up a little patch of earth, and have beautiful veggies for your family in a few months. Without practicing this skill, you will have hungry times fighting insects, animals, and your own incompetence!

Plan to have at least 3 months of food available. More is better! You will have to gather this over time. Get staples and proteins that you like to eat. Make or purchase dehydrated or freeze dried fruits and vegetables. Learn how to preserve food, whether you can your food or dehydrate or freeze dry it. Rotate your food stocks regularly so you eat the oldest stores first. Do you have the skills necessary to accomplish this?

Determine your water source for a grid down situation. I am fortunate to live on the bank of a creek, but not everyone is so blessed. Where will you get water if utilities go down? And how will you purify your water? How will you store what you have? Have you practiced taking water from a creek or pond or puddle, and filtered it and purified it? If you have not, you will need to add that skill to your to-do list right away!!!

Know how to start and maintain a fire for warmth and cooking. Especially if you plan to live in the wild for a while. Can you use a ferrite rod?

Do you know the many different ways you can start a fire? Do you know what type of wood is best for cooking and for warming? Are you familiar with fire safety and different types of stoves? Put this on your list of skills to master right away!!

Play with your Pew Pews! It is all well and good to have a well stocked arsenal, but if you don't take time on the range to play with those nice toys, you will be ineffective when you need them most. Take a class. You won't be the only one so you won't stick out. Get some concealed carry license training. Add this skill soon so you won't be the one who can't hit the side of a barn!!

Here are some more skills you will need to acquire:

Basic Fabric Repair - Sewing

Hunting and Fishing - as well as how to prepare the meat


Chicken Wrangling and Butchering

Basic Carpentry and building

Basic and Advanced First Aid

These are just some of the basic skills. Here is a much more extensive list of skills preppers need.

As we slide into 2024, we don't have to live in fear. We can gain courage and confidence as we develop the necessary skills we need to survive and overcome any difficulty that we may face.

Happy New Year from your Admin,

Ruth and Scott

There will be some links to products in my posts as I am an Amazon Affiliate. You are never obligate to purchase anything you see on the links. All the best to you and Have Fun Prepping!

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