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Useful sites for Preppers

There are so many good sites and groups online, but here are a few that you may find useful on your prepping journey. Like on the Prepping group site, I look for sites that are helpful for teaching new and seasoned preppers. I avoid gloom and doom and hyperbole because you can find those sites everywhere and easily.

The first site is the good old FEMA site.   On this site, you will find excellent advice for how to start your initial preps. In the group we recommend planning your preps in 3s - Three days, Three weeks, Three months, and so forth. FEMA will help you with your first three day plan.

Jim Cobb, author and one of our group experts, has a very useful website Real World Prepping.  The blog is invaluable as a source of reviews and information. His books are a welcome addition to a prepper's library and make great gifts for new preppers.

A great website for emergency and survival medicine is Doom and Bloom. Dr. Joe Alton, M.D. and his wife Amy Alton, A.P.R.N. provide an incredible resource for the prepping community. We purchased his The Survival Medicine Handbook and it is a primary source for our medical preps.

One of our group members, Brian Duff, has an informative website called Mind4Survival and it is well worth your time to have a look at it.

Tami's Prepper Links is a must visit group and a fabulous resource for your continuing prepper education. You will need to be logged into Facebook to access this group.

Another author in our group, Raymond Mohr, offers a lot of great information for you, and has a fun and folksy YouTube channel called The Kilted Prepper.

In our group, we have a long list of informational files, too. Look those over and find what you need. Again, you will need to be logged into Facebook to access these files.

I hope you will find these sites as useful in your prepping as I have.

As I always say in our Prepping group - Share what you know. Ask for what you need to know. Avoid divisive topics. Be kind and respectful to each other. Build Community and Have Fun Prepping.

Kind regards from your Admin,

Ruth Seiler

PS: I'm a happy Admin!

PPS: I'm an Amazon Associate and there may be affiliate links in my posts. If you choose to buy something through those links, I get a small commission, but you are never obligated to purchase anything. I'm just glad you are here on the blog! Thanks!

PPS: We made a killer spaghetti sauce from the tomatoes I canned last year. YUM!

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